Once upon a time there a there was a beautiful avatar named (your name here). She (or your correct gender) was perfect in the eyes of her maker and was created at the perfect time, in the perfect place with all the tools she would need to fulfill her (second) life purpose. She would bring experience to her maker (in first life) which could not be had without her existence and she would function "as" her creator (in avatar form) in this new world to fulfill this purpose and ultimately allow them both to grow...
SL/RL Synthesis Note (31): "God is NOT Religious"
Let me start off by saying that I define God as the experience of something greater than yourself. For some it is a being or deity, for others it is energy (or the force that animates our human bodies...controls our heart rate and breath, or guides the weather and waters). Call this “experience” what you will, but we all must accept that there are aspects of our lives that are beyond our control and influence and for the purpose of this note (and understanding) I will call that “God”...
"Thirst" an original poem by Acuminous
What is it that I want from him
I question over and over again
I know I’m not the only one
And we agreed “its just for fun”
But this now is more than just play
I fell for him and lost my way
Forgot of what I’m truly made
And watched my inhibitions fade
Not knowing what I truly seek
I got caught up and in too deep
My heart’s desire to be his choice
Although this need I could not voice...
SL/RL Synthesis Note (21): "The Stolen Life"
“Sometimes [people] try to sneak their inner life…because people are desirous of having the ESSENCE [of] the thing that reminds them of true consciousness, true love, true relationship with … spirit, and the soul… It’s that feeling… they’re after (whatever their proclivities are)… Sneaking a life because the real one is not given room enough to thrive, is hard on vitality...and the captured and starved people sneak all kinds of things... The stolen life is a half life…because it does not allow a person to function like a normal person.... it causes them to function...as though they are a furtive and captured person.”
~Clarissa Pinkola-Estes “The Red Shoes: On Torment and The Recovery of the Soul Life”...
Joining the Illuminati, on "One" Conspiracy;
In a world where 30 years of oppressive rule can be brought down in 3 weeks, using social media and the internet (see overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak, January 2011), we are realizing that there is power in having control over how information is disseminated and are thus empowered to ask questions the answers to which might have previously been tremendously difficult to find...
I realized something today and thought I would share it. I am always curious about the experience of Energy Vampires or Narcissists as they are also called. They can be so cunning that the cues are barely detectable if you are not attuned to who you are and how you feel from moment to moment. They are seeking to feed from your light. It gives them a temporary high and sense of "power" over their powerlessness.
I was talking with one earlier today. The conversation was easy and mutual and as always I give people grace and words of wisdom if I am moved intuitively to do so. I also allow known Energy Vampires to just talk, because they are always seeking to engage you deeply, by just listening. I respond only to direct questions and try to make commentary around what they are saying. I am always kind and thoughtful with my words, because they are so easily misconstrued when reading them on the screen.
I realized today though, that Energy Vampires who are seeking to "feed" will remain engaged with you until they are able to stir a reaction. Negative emotions have more power. Consider how you feel when you are angry or frustrated versus when you are relaxed and content. I felt as though this person was fishing for something, but couldn't pinpoint it and just kept listening and engaging as appropriate. The conversation went much longer than I expected until I felt a nerve... I made one enflamed comment and just like that they said good-bye and it was over. I had no opportunity to respond further leaving me in that hazy space of OMFG...
Sometimes, its better to just ignore... (sighs) :-/
Its been a while since I've written one of these, February 2012 to be exact! Ironically its of the same nature, but a different perspective. I needed to "come out" of my head and get it onto paper... albeit digital.
I’d like to tell a story about pain, choices and learning. Today I was asked to meet with an in-world support group for individuals with a specific disability. They asked that I focus on “depression” and the impact of “wearing a mask” to hide the affects. Its always synchronistic that when I need guidance the most, it comes through service which is why I continue to serve even when I find it very difficult.
Before this meeting, I received a note from a “friend” in-world asking that we end our friendship. I’ll be transparent and admit that I’d allowed myself to become emotionally attached to this person, probably because I saw in him something I felt I needed. I believe that is why we are ever attracted to anyone in this way, as there are endless people we encounter on a daily basis. It is those who with whom we see a reflection of ourselves that seem the “shiniest” amongst all the possibilities. I was willing to accept this disconnection because over time, I had found that I had (in fact) been attracted to my own reflection realizing that with all of the information I share about myself and my ideals, regurgitating it back to me isn’t difficult under the right circumstances.
For all my best efforts as a result of numerous encounters online, I was still able to be allured by words that came at a time when I needed them. I was drawn to the lips that spoke them, even in pixel form. I was finding, however, that the more I began to trust this person, the more I would hear my vulnerabilities in very harsh words and tones as a reprimand for some misunderstanding. It was very subtle initially, almost imperceptible, but grew more as deeper vulnerabilities were shared, in trust, and I became more exposed.
The challenge for me is my effort to bring harm to no one, and to offer closure when I can if I find a relationship is not healthy for me... the blessing and burden of caring enough to avoid someone feeling abandoned. The problem is how I have allowed myself to be sucked into this this circumstance yet again! I have a good RL family and have worked hard to keep them happy, healthy and filled with love. My life is not perfect, however and has been a struggle, especially in recent years.
…I lost my father in 2001 to renal failure, a result of being a 5 time diabetic amputee who would not stop drinking. He was Bipolar, a Narcissist, and womanizer, but he loved me more than anything. He worshiped me and always placed me on a pedestal which created more damage to other relationships around me growing up, than I care to share in this writing. He was nearly homeless at the time, living in poor conditions, but had made it a home. We were told he had 6 months at my last visit with him. but he died while awaiting transport to my home from another state… a decision that was very difficult for me because of the erosion of our relationship at the time due to his poor habits and resultant health problems. I saw my father in this man. I realize that now...
I lost my Grandfather, suddenly in the Fall of 2013 and of course all of those feelings resurface as I grieved losing the Man who raised me with the values and insights that have allowed me to develop into the person I am today despite my parent’s influences. I miss him and it has been hard. I miss my Dad too. I miss losing the men who meant the most to me. I struggle with losing people I care about... don't we all?
As I spoke to the in-world group about depression we explored the idea that there is a underlying purpose for “living” part of our lives on the grid for “residents” of Second Life. Its more than an escape, but a place to examine how we understand people, function with them, and form relationships.. I have always used “service to others” as my motivation, but I can be honest enough with myself to say there is more to my reason for being here. The apathy that comes with depression is often cloaked with a loss of purpose and having to confront parts of ourselves that have atrophied due to neglect and focus on areas where we are already strong.
Second Life has allowed me to develop aspects of my personality that I could not access otherwise. Beyond the “Caregiver” and “Achiever” where I am the strongest, I have become the “Idealist” and “Peacemaker” My SL relationships have allowed me to dissect the “Helper” and “Loyalist” sides of me as well. I am still developing my ability to be a “Challenger” understanding it is one of my weakest traits and appreciate that perhaps the relationships and circumstances I have attracted into my life are providing opportunities to be more “willful, confrontational and controlling.” They are skills that require so much diplomacy that I have difficulty gathering the strength to fight and perhaps that is where I need to focus my energy. I am realizing that the idea that “fighting” may hurt others, dismisses the hurt others may be causing me. Sometimes its easier to be alone, than to risk the miscommunication and misperceptions that real engagement inevitability causes.
I am ready to move on, however, and if it is "power" that is needed now, so be it. I pray for the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
I am a married, exceptionally busy career mother IRL who loves Second Life. SL has helped me to grow in ways I might not have, without being given the opportunity to explore my inner most dreams and fantasies. SL is no more a game, than a stadium is to football. It's a canvas on which I've painted the image of myself in my grandest vision. It has not been without its highs and lows, but those experiences have given my SL and RL so much richness and depth. I look forward to manifesting destiny! XOXO