Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I realized something today and thought I would share it. I am always curious about the experience of Energy Vampires or Narcissists as they are also called. They can be so cunning that the cues are barely detectable if you are not attuned to who you are and how you feel from moment to moment. They are seeking to feed from your light. It gives them a temporary high and sense of "power" over their powerlessness.

I was talking with one earlier today. The conversation was easy and mutual and as always I give people grace and words of wisdom if I am moved intuitively to do so. I also allow known Energy Vampires to just talk, because they are always seeking to engage you deeply, by just listening. I respond only to direct questions and try to make commentary around what they are saying. I am always kind and thoughtful with my words, because they are so easily misconstrued when reading them on the screen.

I realized today though, that Energy Vampires who are seeking to "feed" will remain engaged with you until they are able to stir a reaction. Negative emotions have more power. Consider how you feel when you are angry or frustrated versus when you are relaxed and content. I felt as though this person was fishing for something, but couldn't pinpoint it and just kept listening and engaging as appropriate. The conversation went much longer than I expected until I felt a nerve... I made one enflamed comment and just like that they said good-bye and it was over. I had no opportunity to respond further leaving me in that hazy space of OMFG...

Sometimes, its better to just ignore... (sighs) :-/

Acu xo


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